"The 40 Under 40" Young Professionals Mixer is a unique networking event that gives business owners, business representatives, and entrepreneurs in the 40 years of age and under category an opportunity to expand their connections and marketing platforms. In the setting of a Chamber host business, you will be provided the platform to engage with other local businesses, promote yours, and network with other Young Professionals, along with local business and community leaders. Bring your business cards!
This month: Join the Greater Escondido Chamber of Commerce and our host Cocoon Taproom for an evening of networking that will be catered by Fresh N Go restaurant. Guest presenters from the San Diego Small Business Development Center Network (SBDC) and the City of Escondido Economic Development Team will be available to share information that will benefit your business, as well as answer any questions on the services available to you through the City of Escondido and other business assistance programs.
Space is limited to 40 registrants so be sure to remember to register soon, and invite a guest!
Tuesday Sep 26, 2023
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM PDT
Cocoon Tap Room
157 East Grand Avenue
Escondido CA 92025
Free for Chamber Members
$20.00 Non-Members
$150.00 Table Sponsor